Using WundaSmart System

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How to operate Rooms?

Rooms Screen


  1. Open Home menu 
  2. Back to prevoius screen
  3. Change the order of the tabs at this screen
  4. Add new Room
  5. Switch to the Room compact list
  6. Press here to enter the room section and choose a specific temperature for a specific amount of time, see charts, schedules and settings
  7. This is where the current room temperature is shown
  8. This is where the humidity is shown
  9. Quick Change, Press here to change the temperature in the Room
  10. You will find the quick switch in your rooms list, it’s great for when you want to quickly manually adjust the temperature for the whole house.Hot Water tab

Changing Temperature in the App

Step 1 Choose Your Temperature

  • Move the dial to change the temperature (A), or:
  • Choose predefined temperature: Reduced (D), Eco (C), Comfort (B) or OFF (E) (antifrozen temp.)
  • You can back setting to the Schedulibg mode (G)
  • Go to the next step (H) or cancel changes (F)

Step 2 Choose Your Time

  • Move the dial (A) to change the time, or
  • Press to choose when the next change will occur
    - Until Next Manual Change (B)
    - Until Next Schedule Change (C)
  • Confirm changes (D) or cancel changes (E)