Using WundaSmart System

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How to operate Geo-fencing?

WundaSmart’s Geo-Fencing is perfect for people who have more than one user in their property and want to save money through fool-proof automation.

This function allows the owner / admin of the property to set an on/off action for each room. Each user can then set a radius (Geo-fence) of 300m to 100Km from their system, then a number of rooms to their device. When they leave the Geo-Fence, the rooms pinned to their device will then turn off, or go to a setback or economy mode depending on the admin’s choice.

When the user returns, the room will return back to schedule, go to Eco or Comfort mode, depending on the admin’s choice.

If there are shared rooms by multiple Users, then the actions will only trigger when the last user leaves their set Geo-Fence.

This is an incredibly useful, energy saving and convenient tool for:

  • People working from home who want the heating on when they’re in and the schedule paused when they’re out.
  • Families with multiple users, where some users are out of the house more than others, they’re bedrooms can be off while the schedule continues through the rest of the property, for those who are still in.

  1. Activated Room List - here you can choose rooms where action will be triggered when you leave or enter home location
  2. Geo-Fencing Settings - here you can set name and distance from home location and change other settings (only Admin)
  3. Remove this Device - here you can remove your device 

How to configure Geo-Fencing?

Step 1
Register your phone Name your device Set your Geo-Fence distance

Step 2
Set your Home Location Ensure the pin (A) is pinned to your location and click (B) 'Set your System location'

Step 3
Set your room actions (this can only be done by an Owner or Admin) Choose an action for each room when you leave and when you return


A. Here you choose the room for setting the actions triggered by user location

B. Here you can Copy actions from room to room


You can set one from four possible actions for the room when User is leaving location:

- No changes
- Set 'OFF' until next scheduled heating period
- Set 'OFF' until first User returns
- Set 'REDUCED' until first User returns

You can set one from four possible actions for the room when User is entering location:

- No changes
- Return to Schedule
- Set 'ECO' until the next scheduled heating period
- Set 'COMFORT' until the next scheduled heating period


Step 4
Pin your device to rooms Pin the rooms you want to be triggered by your device

Step 5
Tell other users to register and assign their device to the rooms that they use